
April What’s Growing On

Apr 302017

about this month

It’s April and finally the evenings start drawing out and the garden is beginning to come to life. It has been quite a mild month over all and with very little rain to speak of here in South Lincs the ground has been particularly dry and tough going to get any plants from the greenhouse, out into the garden soil.

The last week from around the 23rd-27th the wind has been cold with a couple of night frosts

My Garden habitat

I finally got into planting out the last 4 of the 40 9cm Kidney Vetch which were grown last spring from seed collected in 2015, as well as a 9cm yellow loosestrife and Thrift grown from cuttings. The other additions I bought in are in the ground and have needed regular watering.

The willow looked great in the garden, planted 25 years ago it had over the years created so much summer shade with out me realising just how much, until it was cut back hard last year. The whole garden has noticeably benefited from the extra light, so have had another meter taken off to allow for this years growth.

The Greenhouse

Have put cool glass shading on the greenhouse to block out some of the full sun and keep the temperature down with both windows and the door open the temperature has crept up to 85-90℃ a side effect from cutting the willow.

All the Red Campion and Devils-bit Scabious grown since last autumn in trays are now in 9cm pots, Horseshoe-vetch, Bladder Campion, Ragged Robin, and Cowslips are still in trays and will need potting up soon. I should do a full pot count for May diary

The greenhouse also has a 20w solar panel which charges a battery, I will write more about this later

Need to post now, thanks

What’s Growing On

  • Flowering this month: Primrose, Cowslips, Oxlip, Meadow Saxafage, Dandilion, garlic mustard
  • Planted out this month: Thrift, Saw Wort, Greater Knapweed, White, Campion, Vipers Bugloss, Great Mullen, Dark Mullen, Green Alkanet, Yellow Loosestrife
  • Plants in the Greenhouse: as March with Agrimony, Spotted Hawkweed
  • Butterflies in the Garden: Orange-tip (M), Peacock

April Garden Gallery

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