Snowberry Bush (Symphoricarpos spp)
(Symphoricarpos x chenaulti ‘Hancock’)
A fairly common low growing garden shrub with long thin branches and small oval blue/green coloured leaves, it is also fast growing, reaching a maximum height of around 1- 1.5m. The small delicate white or light pink flowers of the Snowberry Hancock, appear late June – July, along the thin branches, these provide an attractive nectar source many insects.
After flowering the decorative berries begin to appear they are a light pink at first, turning white or purple when mature, in early to late Autumn.
Often used for hedging, Snowberry Hancock is easy to grow, requires little maintenance, and tolerates poor soil types and shady places.

Plant Information
- Also known as– Waxberry or Coralberry.
- Height – 1 to a Maximum of 1.5m
- Position – Full sun partial shade
- Caterpillar food plant – Holly Blue Butterfly (celastrina-argiolus).
Popular Snowberry Varieties
Symphoricarpos x Chenaultii ‘Hancock’
Symphoricarpos mollis ‘Creeping Snowberry’
Important Note
All Berries of the deciduous Snowberry bush (Symphoricarpos spp) are poisonous, and should not be confused with a similar evergreen shrub, Snowberry (Gaultheria depressa), a native shrub of New Zealand which has edible berries.