
Flowering Currant (Ribes) species


A deciduous spring flowering garden shrub that is easy to grow, giving a huge display of many bright coloured clusters of scented flowers in late March, early April.

The scented flowers attract early spring insects like bees, and the bunches of dark-blue or black berries become that ripen during the late summer, are enjoyed by wild birds.

There are quite a variety of colours and species of Flowering Currant, all of which are tolerant of most soil types, and require little care, besides occasional Autumn pruning, growning to a height of 2-2.5m makes it ideal for creating an informal hedge.

Popular Varieties

  • “King Edward VII” – Deep crimson flowers – March-April
  • “Tydeman’s White” – White Flowers – March-April
  • “R. odoratum” or (Buffalo currant) – Yellow – April
  • Photograph taken – 9th April 2010
Flowering Currant (Ribes) clusters of Crimson flowers

Flowering Currant (Ribes) clusters of Crimson flowers

In my garden the Flowering Current is in a semi -shaded position getting sun from the rise till late morning.

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