Rare Orchids – Barnack Hills and Holes
Photographs of some of the 8 rare wild orchids, growing amongst the many other species of wildflowers, birds butterflies and other wildlife at Barnack Hills and Holes Nature Reserve. The Reserve also known locally as Barnack Hills and Hollows, consists of 54 acres of nationally important undulating calcareous or limestone grassland, located in the village of Barnack near the town of Stamford in Lincolnshire.
Early-Purple Orchid
(Orchis mascula)
- Height: up to 40cm.
- Can be seen: April – June.
- Photographed: Barnack Hills and Holes, 23rd April 2011.
Fragrant Orchid
(Gymnadenia conopsea)
- Height:up to 40cm
- Can be seen:June to July
- PhotographedBarnack Hills and Holes, 13th June 2010.
Man Orchid
(Aceras anthropophorun)
- Height: up to 25cm
- Can be seen: May to June
- Photographed: Barnack Hills and Holes, 13th June 2010.
- Where: South-South East England
Frog Orchid
(Coeloglossum viride)
- Height : up to 20cm.
- Can be seen : June – August.
- Photographed : Barnack Hills and Holes, 30th June 2010.
Pyramidal Orchid
(Anacamptis pyramidalis)
- Height: up to 30cm.
- Can be seen: : June – August.
- Photographed: Barnack Hills and Holes, 6th July 2010.
Bee Orchid
(Ophrys apifera)
- Height: up to 30cm.
- Can be seen: June – July.
- Photographed: Barnack Hills and Holes, 25th June 2012.
Photographs © Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025