A small brown butterfly, with a thin black line followed by an orange band and white lines, that form the letter W on the hind under-wing.
- Family Group: Lycaenidae (Blues).
- Where: Through-out Southern and Central England.
- Habitat: Woodland rides and hedgerows with Elm trees.
- Family Group: Lycaenidae (Blues).
- When: Flying where found in largest numbers from July – August.
- Size: 25-36mm.
- Larval Food Plant: The blossom and early buds of Elm trees.
- Adult nectar Plants: When not in tree tops adults may nectar on Bramble Flowers, Wild Marjoram (Origarnum vulgare), Thistles.
- Population Status: Due to loss of habitat and falling numbers the White-letter Hairstreak is a priority species for conservation.
- Photographed: 15th July (Macro).
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