
Common-dog Violet

Dark Green Fritillary Butterfly (Argynnis aglaja)


Found in most counties of England and Wales the Dark Green Fritillary is the commonest and most wildly spread of all the Fritillary butterflies, even being found in the far north of Scotland and the Orkneys.

It is often found around the coastal dunes, with the largest numbers to the west of the country, when found inland its habitat can include Grassy flower-rich meadows, Downs, Quarries, Open woodland and Embankments.

Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)

Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)on Red Clover


  • Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
  • Family Group: Nymphalidae
  • Size Around: 45mm
  • Habitat: Coastal dunes, Grassy flower-rich meadows, Downs, Quarries, Open woodland, Embankments.
  • When: July – August
  • Adult Nectar Plant: Red Clover (trifolium pratense), Thistles, Greater Knapweed, Field Scabious, Clustered Bellflower (campanula glomerata)
  • Caterpillars feed on: Common-dog Violet (viola riviniana), Marsh Violet (Viola palustris).
  • Photographed: 12th July.
Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)

Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)

On the wing from July into August the Dark Green Fritillary is a fast and agile butterfly, on sunny days it is always on the move stopping occasionally to nectar or rest to sun bathe on the tallest plant stems.

During periods of prolonged cloud cover or showery weather the butterflies may climb right down in amongst lower grass stems sometimes completely hidden from view, reappearing as if from nowhere when the sun returns.

The Dark Green Fritillary seen from above is similar in appearance to the much rarer High Brown Fritillary, the Dark Green Fritillary having only plain silver spots and a green underside on the hind-wing.

Dark Green Fritillary Butterfly (Argynnis aglaja) Female

Dark Green Fritillary Female

© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Silver-washed Fritillary Butterfly (Argynnis paphia)


A bright orange butterfly, found mainly in open woodland across the south and south west of the UK, in areas where it’s primary larval food Plant the Common Dog-Violet (viola riviniana) grows, although recent observations suggest colonies are moving Northwards.

Seen from mid June-August, the male silver-washed fritillaries are often first to appear, around a week before the females, adult butterflies spend some time in the tree tops sunning and feeding on honeydew from aphids, although during spells of warm weather they will often descend to warm sunny areas to nectar on Bramble flowers, Knapweed, wild marjoram quickly moving from flower to flower.

Silver-washed Fritillary-Female

Silver-washed Fritillary – Female

Silver-washed Fritillary Butterfly, Male on Brambles flowers

Silver-washed Fritillary (Male)

Getting it’s name from the distinctive silver streaks on the underside of the wings, the Silver-washed Fritillary is the largest of all the Fritillary species found here in the UK, it is also a strong fast flyer with a wingspan around 60mm. The male is bright orange with black or dark brown stripes and spots on the upper wings, the female is similar in size and markings although slightly duller in colour.

Silver-Wash Fritillary Butterfly - Female- Underwings

Underside of the wings

© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana)


A widespread perennial Dog Violets are commonly found right across the UK and Ireland, and can appear in habitats from moors and woodland clearings to gardens, where it is sometimes classed as a weed in lawns.

The leaves are heart shaped with blue-purple or sometimes white coloured flowers with an orange centre appearing March-May.

Wild violets can sometimes be mistaken for cultivated Sweet Violets (viola odarata) and palma violets which are scented.

White Violets in garden lawn

White Dog Violets in garden lawn

Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana) - Wild Violets

Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana)

Wild Violet Information

  • Native wild violets are an important larval food plant for some of Britains rarest Butterflies the High Brown Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary, and Small pearl-bordered Fritillary.
  • Family: Violaceae
  • Larval food plant : Silver-washed Fritillary Butterfly
  • Nectar Plant: Orange-Tip Butterfly
  • Wild white violets Photographed: 28-3-10 : 18-4-13
© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025