
Duke of Burgundy butterfly

Duke of Burgundy Butterfly (Hamearis lucina)


Rare localised and widely distributed, the Duke of Burgundy butterfly can only found on a small number of sites in Britain. The most northerly being the Lake District, North York Moors and a small scattering of sites across the central southern counties.

As one of the fastest declining British Butterflies, the Duke of Burgundy has been falling in numbers in many areas for the last 60 years, with a dramatic drop in numbers noted over the past couple of decades.

It is among the list of Priority Species and Habitats of the governments UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP) helped along by Butterfly Conservation.

Duke of Burgundy Butterfly - Ivinghoe Beacon

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina) Fm

Colonies are usually small, consisting of around 6 adult butterflies, the males rest openly on foliage wings outstretched in warm sunshine waiting for passing females. After mating the females may fly some distance before laying their eggs, choosing Wild Primrose (Primula vulgaris) in woodland and Cowslip (prumula veris) in grassy areas.


  • Name:Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina)
  • Family Group: (Riodinidae) Metalmarks
  • Size around: 30mm
  • Habitat: Woodlands with open areas and shady glades, Limestone or chalk sheltered areas scrubby grassland
  • When to see: May – June.
  • Adult Nectar Plant:
  • Caterpillars feed on: Primrose (Primula vulgaris) woodland colonies, Cowslip (Primula Veris) most common.
  • Photographed: 19-5-2013, Ivinghoe Beacon, Buckinghamshire.

Duke of Burgundy Butterfly (Hamearis lucina) Male

The Duke of Burgundy is a small butterfly with a wing span around 30mm. The males are black with 3 orange bands crossed with black veins on the fore-wings, on close inspection they only have 4 legs the 2 forelegs are small and unused.

The females may appear similar to the males but with wider orange markings, a broader abdomen and 6 noticeable legs. The under-wings of both sexes bare 2 rows of distinctive white spots on the hind wings.

The Duke of Burgundy butterflies can be first seen from the end of April with numbers peaking around the second week in May, although on occasions a few butterflies may be seen in August. Despite being a woodland butterfly, just a small number can still found in their primary habitat, greater numbers now seem to colonise areas of limestone or chalk scrubby grassland.

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina) wing undersides

Duke of Burgundy wing undersides

© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Wild Primrose (Primula vulgaris) in Woodland and Gardens


A low growing early Spring perennial, with pale yellow flowers with orange/yellow centres, on slender hairy stems varying in size up to around 25cm long seen from February to May.

The leaves are in a rosette, arranged around the base of the flower stems.

Common and widespread throughout many areas, wild Primroses can often found growing in, open woodland or under hedgerows, and even on, Roadside verges and Embankments. They are also a popular plant in many gardens across the UK .

Early wildflowers like Primroses are a good nectar source for Butterflies, Bees and many other insects in early spring. It is also a primary larval food plant for one of the UK’s rarest Butterflies the Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina).

Wild Primrose flowers and leaves

Wild Primrose flowers and leaves

Wild Primrose (Primula vulgaris) flowering in woodland

Primrose (Primula vulgaris) flowering in woodland

grow Primula vulgaris from seed

Grow Common Primrose (Primula vulgaris) from seed, they are available from Thompson & Morgan, for more information Visit Thompson & Morgan Here

Plant Information

  • Name: Wild Primrose (Primula vulgaris)
  • Species: Primula
  • Type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Also Known As: English primrose
  • Grow from Seed: Easy
  • Where: Common and Widespread through-out Britain
  • Habitat: Often found on – Woodland, Shaded Meadows, Embankments, Roadside verges and Gardens.
  • When does it flower? February to May.
  • Fruiting: n/a.
  • Height around: 25cm.
  • Larval Food Plant: Duke of Burgundy Butterfly
  • Other well known Primula Varieties: Cowslips (primula veris)
© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025