

Ringlet Butterfly (Aphantopus hyperantus)


A common and widespread butterfly found throughout most parts of England, Wales, Ireland and the southern counties of Scotland

Ringlet Butterflies can be seen from late June through to the end of August, in habitats such as damp Woodland rides, Hedgerows and Meadows, often in sunny sheltered areas with dappled shade, and tall grasses.

The under-wings are a mid brown with a number of distinctive small circular eye spots. The upper-wings are dark brown with a white fringe.

Ringlet Butterfly (Aphantopus hyperantus) with wings open on Bramble leaf.

Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus) with wings open

Ringlet Butterfly (Aphantopus hyperantus) with wings closed showing under-side

Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus) with wings closed showing under-side

Quick Info

  • Family Group: Nymphalidae, Browns
  • Habitat: Grassy, sheltered areas, with some dappled shade such as woodland clearings and rides
  • Wingspan: Around 48mm.
  • Adult Butterflies feed on: Wild Marjoram, Thistles, Common Ragwort, Bramble Flowers, Cow Parsley
  • Caterpillars feed on: Grasses like Cocksfoot and Couch.
  • Photographed: 29 June 2010.
  • Location: Barnack Hills and Holes.
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