

Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui)


A migrant butterfly and regular visitor, the Painted Lady may be found almost anywhere in the UK, arriving each year in varying numbers from a migration that begins in North Africa and continues throughout Europe.

The first Painted Lady butterflies may arrive in the country as early as March, and as the population increases into the summer they will often breed.

The female butterfly lays her eggs mainly on thistle leaves, usually just one per leaf, the success of the new brood relies very much upon dry warm weather in the early stages.

Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui) August

Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui)


  • Family Group: Nymphalidae – Browns
  • Subfamily: Nymphalinae.
  • Status: Migrant.
  • Habitat: from Gardens to Mountain tops
  • Caterpillar food plant: Thistles, Common Nettles, Mallows
  • Adult Nectar plant: Thistles, Knapweed, Ragwort Buddleia.
  • Wingspan around: 60mm
  • Photograph: Painted Lady Butterfly feeding on white buddleia davidii- August 09
  • (record numbers where reported in the south and east of England in summer 2009)
Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui) on Knapweed

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) on Knapweed

The number of Painted Lady butterflies reach their peak in August and then fall away over the next couple of months.

Being a wide range migrant, the Painted Lady can be found almost world wide, and has many food sources ranging from Thistles, Knapweed, Vipers Bugloss and various cultivated garden Plants and shrubs like buddleia.

Upper wings are tawny orange with black markings and white spots on the tips. Under wings mottled brown and white with small-eye spots.

Painted lady butterfly strikingly patterned under-wings at chambers farm wood

Painted lady butterfly strikingly patterned under-wings

© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta)



A regular visitor to the gardens, the Red Admiral may be seen throughout the British Isles, often attracted in numbers by nectar rich flowers such as Buddleia and Rudbekia around July to August.

Out of the Garden, a sunny sheltered spot with flowering Ivy or Hemp Agrimony, may also attract Red Admiral butterflies, although they are rarely seen in numbers before June.

They may even still be seen on the wing till late October – November on sunny days if a nectar source is still available.


With a large 60mm wingspan the Red Admiral is a strong flying butterfly, able to glide and manoeuvre after a small number of quick wing beats. The mainly black or brown colouration, broad red bands and white spots on the fore-wings and broad red band on the hind-wings make it easy to identify. The under-wings are a mottled black-brown .

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) wings closed on Ivy flowers

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on Ivy flower

Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta)

Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta)

The Red Admiral is seen as a migrant butterfly from Europe, arriving in Britain and Ireland from May-June. It is believed that with the milder winters of recent years, some are managing to hibernate during short cold periods, creating a resident population mainly across the south of England.

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© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025