

Wall Brown Butterfly (Pararge aegeria)


A widely spread butterfly the Wall Brown is generally found in South Eastern and Western counties of Britain, where, it may be seen patrolling its territory or basking in the sunshine on patches of open ground, tall plants and of course walls.

The adult Wall Brown emerge from two broods a season, to form small colonies, the first is May-June and a second slightly larger brood July-August.

The upper-wings are light orange with grey/brown veins and lines there are also a single black-eye spot on the fore-wings and of the hind-wings.

Wall Brown Butterfly Eye-Spots on Under-Wings

Wall Brown showing eye-spots on under-wings

Quick Info

  • Family Group: Browns – Nymphalidae
  • size around: 45mm
  • Habitat: Grassy heaths, Quarries and Coastal areas with exposed areas of earth, tracks and embankments
  • Adult Nectar Plant: Common Ragwort, Bramble flowers and Others.
  • Caterpillars feed on: Cocksfoot, Couch and other grasses
  • Photographed: 19th August, 2nd September, Wiveton Down, Norfolk.
Wall Brown Butterfly - Male - Wiverton Down

Wall Brown – Male

The Wall Brown is part of the Nymphalidae Group of butterflies, more commonly referred to as “Browns”, in Britain this group of species includes:- the Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, and the rare Purple Emperor, to name but a few.

It is so sad that this, once fairly common little butterfly, is in such decline across much of inland England and Wales, it is now found mainly around coastal regions.

Wall Brown Butterfly on Ragwort September

Wall Brown on Common Ragwort

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