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April to June | Urban Butterfly Garden

April to June

Orange Tip Butterfly (anthocharis cardamines)


Widespread across Southern and Central Britain, Wales and as far North as Scotland, usually seen from the beginning of April through to June.

The male Orange-tip butterfly, is quite striking in flight with an orange patch on the outer half of the fore-wings, and black wing tips.

The female however lacks the orange patch on the fore-wings but both share marbled-green under-wings, black wing tips and a black spot on fore-wings.

Orange-tip habitat

Often found in a wide range of habitats, Orange tip butterflies can be seen anywhere, from country lanes and forest paths, to gardens and parks. Particularly active on warm sunny spring days, they fly close to the ground, stopping briefly to nectar before continuing.

Orange-tip Butterfly on wild daisy flower in garden

Orange-tip Butterfly showing green patterned under-wings

Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) on common daises

Male Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines)


  • Family group : Pierinae – Whites.
  • Wingspan around: 40mm.
  • When: April-June with numbers peaking around mid May although this may vary from year to year.
  • Caterpillars feed on : Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis), Hedge Mustard, Sweet Rocket
  • Early nectar plant : Common Violets, Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) , Greater Stitchwort, Cow parsley, Bluebells, Common Daisey, Ground Ivy, Hedge Mustard, Iberis sempervirens, among others
  • Photographed : 15th May 2010.
  • Location : My garden, South Lincolnshire.
  • Updated : 16th October 2012.
© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Cowslips (primula veris) a popular spring wild flower


An early Spring herbaceous perennial, with yolk yellow bell shaped short stalked flowers, on stems up to 30cm high seen from April to June. The leaves are in a Basal rosette, arranged around the base of the flower stem, long oval shaped wrinkled and hairy underneath.

Locally common, in central and southern areas of the UK, Cowslips are often found on open unimproved calcareous grassland, other places include Roadside verges, Embankments, Gardens and tracks.

Cowslips provide a welcome nectar source for Butterflies, Bees and many other insects in early spring, it is also an essential larval food plant for the Duke of Burgundy Butterfly.

Cowslip close-up of yellow flowers in spring

Cowslip (prumula veris) close-up of flowers

Cowslips (primula veris) yellow

Cowslips (primula veris) growing in a Wild Flower Meadow

grow Cowslips from seed

Grow Cowslips (Primula veris) from seed, they are available from Thompson & Morgan, for more information Visit Thompson & Morgan Here

Plant Information

  • Name: Cowslip (primula veris)
  • Type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Also Known As: Herb Peter, Fairy Cups
  • Where: Found locally through-out Britain except far north of Scotland
  • Habitat: Often found on – Meadows, Roadside verges, Embankments, Gardens and tracks.
  • When does it flower? April to June.
  • Fruiting: n/a.
  • Height around: 30cm.
  • Larval Food Plant: Duke of Burgundy Butterfly (Hamearis lucina)

© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025