
Orange tip butterfly

English Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)



Bluebells are probably one the most well known wildflowers found in the British Isles, sometimes carpeting whole woodland floors in early spring with brightly coloured flowers, which appear April-May.

Bluebells are an important nectar source in early Spring for native British butterflies such as the Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) , Orange-tip (anthocharis cardamines)and Pearl-Border Fritillary as well as other insects such as bees.

The native British Bluebell has become rare in some parts of the country due to cross pollination with the less colourful Spanish Bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica) creating hybrids, and the loss of ancient woodland habitat.

Brimstone nectaring on Bluebells in April

Brimstone Nectaring on Bluebells in April

Native Bluebells or Non-Native?

It is important that when buying and planting bluebells in the garden or elsewhere, that native species like “Hyacinthoides non-scripta” should be used, rather than the Spanish variety.

One of the easiest ways to tell Native bluebells apart, from the non-natives and Hybrids species is to look inside the flowers at the pollen on the anthers, to ensure this test is truly accurate, it is best to catch them just as they begin to bloom.

Native English bluebells should have light creamy coloured Pollen on the anthers, any differences in colour such as light blue or a pale Green it is non native, also differences in colour, scent and shape of the flower are good indicators.

How to Grow

Bluebells are best planted and will thrive, in moist well drained soils, rich in organic matter in the dappled shade of deciduous trees or hedgerows.

Prior to planting add plenty of garden compost or well rotted manure to improve the soil, this will also help to ensure that the bulbs remain moist throughout the year.

Native English Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) spring woodland flower

Native English Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)

When planting, you can randomly scatter the bulbs across the planting area for a more natural look, then plant at a depth of about 10cm in the soil. For a more uniform look place 10cm apart.

During the warm summer months, the bulbs should be kept moist until they are fully established, it is also very important to let the foliage die back naturally.

When Did Bluebells become Protected?

In the UK the native Bluebell was first protected under the wildlife and country act 1981 making it an offence, to remove or sell the bulbs and seeds, taken from the wild, this was later enforced again in 1998.

Buying English Bluebells

Buying English Bluebells from a Reputable Nursery, ensures they are cultivated from renewable stocks, it is also best to buy them “in the green”. Buying bulbs in “in the green” offers a much higher success rate of the bulbs flowering in the Spring, than buying dry bulbs.

For more information and availability Click Here to visit Thompson & Morgan

Blubells carpeting floor in deciduous woodland

Bluebells carpeting floor in deciduous woodland

Photographed: 10th April 2010,April 22nd 2011 April 2014 in South Lincolnshire

© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Orange Tip Butterfly (anthocharis cardamines)


Widespread across Southern and Central Britain, Wales and as far North as Scotland, usually seen from the beginning of April through to June.

The male Orange-tip butterfly, is quite striking in flight with an orange patch on the outer half of the fore-wings, and black wing tips.

The female however lacks the orange patch on the fore-wings but both share marbled-green under-wings, black wing tips and a black spot on fore-wings.

Orange-tip habitat

Often found in a wide range of habitats, Orange tip butterflies can be seen anywhere, from country lanes and forest paths, to gardens and parks. Particularly active on warm sunny spring days, they fly close to the ground, stopping briefly to nectar before continuing.

Orange-tip Butterfly on wild daisy flower in garden

Orange-tip Butterfly showing green patterned under-wings

Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) on common daises

Male Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines)


  • Family group : Pierinae – Whites.
  • Wingspan around: 40mm.
  • When: April-June with numbers peaking around mid May although this may vary from year to year.
  • Caterpillars feed on : Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis), Hedge Mustard, Sweet Rocket
  • Early nectar plant : Common Violets, Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) , Greater Stitchwort, Cow parsley, Bluebells, Common Daisey, Ground Ivy, Hedge Mustard, Iberis sempervirens, among others
  • Photographed : 15th May 2010.
  • Location : My garden, South Lincolnshire.
  • Updated : 16th October 2012.
© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025

Cuckoo Flower, Wildflowers for Butterflies and Bees



Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis) is a herbaceous early Spring perennial, with delicate lilac or violet tinted flowers with obvious dark violet veins, and yellow anthers on a sturdy stem, varying in size to around 40cm long, seen from April to June. The leaves are a basal rosette, with 8 pairs of oval leaflets

Widespread but localised, throughout many areas of the UK, Cuckoo Flower where found, often grows in abundance, preferring, wet or damp grassy meadows, and similar locations ranging from lowlands to mountains.

Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis) Spring Wild Flower

Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)

Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)

Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)

Cuckoo Flower or Lady’s Smock as it is also known, like other early wildflowers provides a nectar source for Butterflies, Bees and other insects in early spring, making it a great addition to a wild flower or wildlife garden. It is also an essential larval food plant for the strikingly coloured Orange-tip Butterfly.

Quick Info

  • Name: Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)
  • Type: Native Herbaceous perennial
  • Family: Brassicaceae (Cabbage family)
  • Also Known As: Lady’s Smock
  • Where: Found locally through-out Britain
  • Habitat: Found on –Damp grassy meadows.
  • When does it flower? April to June.
  • Height around: 40cm.
  • Larval Food Plant: Orange-tip Butterfly (anthocharis cardamines) and Green-veined white (Pieris napi)
  • Photographed: 5th May 2012
© Urban Butterfly Garden 2010-2025